
Chiropractic Marketing News - Googles Sneaky Trick

"A few months ago I came across something very interesting and ground breaking, as it relates to chiropractic marketing. Not having a firm grasp of what I'm about to share will hurt your marketing efforts, more specifically when it comes to putting videos out and trying to get mass exposure.As I dug down a bit in the world of Motorcycle Gloves social media and search engine optimization (SEO), I uncovered that Google began to use speech to text conversion. Quite simply, it means that they are extracting the spoken text from your videos, then converting it to regular text.While I was doing my chiropractic marketing research and homework, I couldn't find out (from their mouth) why they were doing that. But, the answer is quite obvious in my opinion. When it comes down to it, Google is always searching for relevant content. This is the main reason they now use your spoken words to categorize and rank Iphone 4s Charger your video, regardless of what video sharing network your video is on.So what does this mean to the average chiropractor in their chiropractic marketing endeavors online?Well, in most cases you can significantly increase your Google ranking with your chiropractic website by adding keywords in your spoken audio from the video. Be aware that, only using music behind written text in a slide show does not work as well if from an SEO standpoint.Remember, when you're writing your video outline or script, incorporate and put the keywords you want to rank for on the search engines up front, and actually say them periodically through the video. Don't just randomly toss them in either. It's best to fit them in so it sounds natural while taking nothing away from the flow of your presentation.As a suggestion, you may want to write your outline like you were writing portion of your chiropractic website that you wanted Google, Yahoo, or Bing to index. The primary reason is because with their speech to text conversion, they're using the same algorithm as if it were written text like in an article.This one thing alone will change the chiropractic marketing game substantially in the future. Just watch."


Mental Toughness for Coaches and Their Athletes

As a coach you have invested time, money and energy into finding, developing and honing rc flying fish your athletes. Athletes practice hard and build their bodies for strength, endurance and speed . . . but do not forget their mind. You do not want to leave their Mental Toughness to chance!Rookies and Young AthletesHow an athlete thinks and feels directly affects their level of performance and their teams win / loss record.One bad call, missed play or negative comment can bring an athlete’s winning performance to a screeching halt. When athletes feel scared, stressed, worried or confused they often wonder if they’re good enough.Who do they turn to when sharing what they’re thinking or feeling that could make them feel vulnerable and weak? Are you willing to wait and hope they get it all figured out? Are you going to “talk about it” at practice and provide philosophical advice really won’t help them? Or are you willing to invest in their future, and yours, today?With ClearEdge they learn to:- Focus on what’s important and block out all the rest- Develop a Foundation for Success – to ensure confident, consistent and courageous performance- Breakthrough stress and frustration . . . and stay calm and loose under pressure- Develop balance on and off the playing field- Bounce back quickly after setbacks, bad calls and needless mistakesSeasoned remote controlled air swimmers ProsEven seasoned athletes can experience doubt, worry and self-worth issues. But what happens when an athlete loses their competitive edge or rhythm for consistent success? You cannot take back an underachieving season! Professionals need to play to the level of their SELF-Worth, not their paycheck.Another thing that can trip up an athlete and send them into panic is change. The change can either be good or bad change, it is still change and can cause a player to panic.You can’t afford to wait for them to get fired up, bounce back or get their head on straight. Protect your investment by ensuring your athletes stay top of their mental game and consistently manage their emotions for ultimate performance.CoachesAs a coach you areconstantly under pressure. You are expected to coach your athletes, remain level-headed, boost morale, and make clear concise decisions under extreme pressure… but lest we forget that you are supposed to WIN too. That is a monumental assignment for anyone, especiallywhen you are expected to maintain this level of coaching day in and day out. This is a breeding ground for extreme stress.How you think, feel and behave has an immediate and direct effect on your players and your win / loss record. Learn how to handle and minimize those stressful and critical moments on demand. When you take great care of you – your team and the win/loss record will benefit Flying angry bird – and so will YOU.Mental Discipline for Coaches: Sharpen Your Skills to:- Maximize your ability to Think Clearly and make Precise Decisions – when everything is on the line- Ask critical questions to positively Influence the Attitude and Effectiveness of your staff and team- Beat the Sense of Pressure, frustration and inner turmoil that can take you off your game- Condition yourself to Feel Confident in Any Situation- Discipline your mind to be in the ZONE … on demand.Now is the rc flying fish time to prepare you and your athletes for greatness!


Hard Work Can Destroy Your MLM Business SO WORK SMART

There is a belief that goes back for ages that the person who works hardest in their MLM business is the one who has the most success. This is a myth and needs to be packaged up and sent to the big deceiver in the ground One of favourite examples of this is "practice makes perfect". This is an absurd saying, because practicing the wrong thing a million times will not trigger perfection to take place. Now Mike Litman, a motivational speaker that I absolutely admire always says "You Don't Have To Get It Right, You Just Have To Get It Going!" At first glance it would seem doing it wrong is ok; however this is not the case Mike is simply saying, don't wait until everything is perfect in your venture, get started "DOING IT" and improve as you go. Hard work is not the answer to being effective in your MLM business, "WORKING SMART" is! If working hard alone was the solution to success then all those people that stood over railway track and hammered spikes all day when our railway was first built would all have had million dollar bank accounts. Our school system and led light bulbs our culture as a whole have been won over that if you find a good job and work hard for your employer you will have womb to tomb employment. I call people every day that had a job and have lost it, even though they were a hard worker. With the economy entering into one of the worst economic collapses since the 30s and all those hard workers are being educated in reality, it's called "unemployment".Not to long ago I spoke to a pal about joining me in my enterprise and he said that he already had a great business and did not need what I had to offer. My friend had a farming operation and by all appearances, seemed to be doing very well for himself. Using his own carpentry skills, he built his own farm house along with a host of other farm buildings, with one being a 100,000 dollar pig barn. He had a new tractor and other assorted equipment that he operated to care for his crops and livestock. Each morning, my friend would be up at 5am and tending his stock by 6 am (7days a week). Then he would be out tending his fields through the day and evenings during the seeding and harvesting seasons. Nobody could deny the fact that my friend worked very, very hard and made a decent income.I asked my buddy what he would do if he became injured and couldn't handle carrying the feed, throwing the bales of hay or driving the tractor. He told me he did not know what he would do. He said that if it was serious and the healing time stopped him from tending his farm for very long he said it could result in him losing his farm. He had been operating under the assumption that hard work would be enough; but he like all those that have jobs don't often realize until something bad happens, if you cannot continue to work hard you can lose it all.John Paul Getty statedthat he would rather have 1 % of the invested efforts of 100 people than 100% of the efforts of 1 person. Network marketing offers people this ability and it is why Robert Kyosaki and Donald Trump devoted an entire chapter in their bestselling book "WHY WE WANT TO MAKE YOU RICH" to this topic. Unfortunately there are a tons of people that also use this same faulty tactic of working hard to build their MLM organization and it does not work. To be successful in your MLM business you need to work smart and not hard and when you know, understand and apply the correct strategies and concepts and systems your bank account will show why working smarter just makes total sense. You may be an amazing closer and sign people into your MLM business every day led light bulbs or week but if what you do is not duplicateable you have a job without leverage. When you stop working hard you would likely lose it all.


Factors To Buy Wholesale Electronics From China

When it comes to electronics, China will be the world's biggest producer and this has created it one with the biggest exporters of electronics as well. Importers from all across the world prefer to buy wholesale electronics from China. Wholesale LED Bulbs Purchasing low-cost wholesale item from China permits them to extend their sales and make great revenue.You will find many factors which inspire individuals to buy wholesale goods from China. 1 with the main factors that promote this really is that China creates a large number of consumer products which includes LCD TVs, Video players, radios, MP3 Gamers, Mobile phones and other this kind of issues. This gives the purchasers much more variety and encourages them to buy China goods.An additional element that encourages people to purchase wholesale goods from China is the fact that the products manufactured and sold in China are incredibly cheap. This allows the purchasers to get cheap wholesale product and market them within their personal country. The customers also favor to the buy the China goods as it suits their spending budget. Due to this the demand of electronics from China is quite substantial and therefore the buyers can buy wholesale electronics from china and advantage from it.China provides various grades of electronic items and has great quality products that come together with good warranty. This encourages the importers to buy goods in the China wholesale dealers and then retail them in their personal Flags nation. Numerous wholesale dealers in China have now started promoting their merchandise to other retailers in numerous countries. They supply the goods to them on the regular basis that is extremely important for normal company. Thus the 3 primary factors that encourage people to buy Professional Tools wholesale electronic products from china are- normal supply, great quality goods and inexpensive costs. The rest on China import policy also makes it possible for the buyers to import the digital goods and cater towards the costumers in their personal country.These days a few of the wholesalers from China have started promoting China wholesale via their website also. This implies the buyers can discover concerning the new electronic goods with out actually visiting the nation. The on-line catalogue has the knowledge about the new products and this helps you to pick and purchase the products which you would like to import inside your nation. The on-line wholesale company additional promotes good business relations between the distributor and the wholesalers in China. A few of the well-liked electronics that are imported from China consist of MP3players, Cellular phones, TVs, house appliances and many such issues.


Tips on Finding Boston Central Accomodation For Great Price Offers Now

A Walk in Downtown BostonBoston has a vibrant and attractive downtown which is the administrative and the financial center of the city as well. Here the tourists can visit important attractions of the city like the Boston Public garden or the Boston Common. People choose this area for booking their Boston accommodation because of the historical points of interest that are all over the place. The house where the famous Benjamin Franklin spent the first part of his life is located here. There is also a more modern of the downtown area of Boston, Air Swimmers which is portrayed in the sky scrapers and in the high rose condominiums. The Boston Financial District is right near the Government Center. This is also a very popular area for people who are fond of shopping. Here you can find the Faneuil Hall Marketplace, a popular shopping area, with more than 100 shops and plenty of restaurants. You can also find in this area several department stores and malls, where you can definitely find whatever might be in your mind. The Boston MarathonThe Boston Marathon is one of the most important events in an athlete’s career. The marathon is the oldest completion of this kind of the modern period and it is also one of the five Major Marathons in the World. This Marathon is held every year on the streets of Boston in April’s Patriots Day. It is currently one of the most famous and favored racing events in the world. Amateurs and professionals as well gather here for a roughly 42 kilometers run on several routes from downtown Boston with the Boston Public Library as the finish line. People run at this event for different reasons, such as athletic accomplishments or the cash prizes. If you are in Boston in the month of April, you should try not to miss seeing this unique event. How to Book Affordable Boston HotelsBoston has a rich Irish cultural heritage as well as a bustling activity and for that reason it is a favorite destination for tourists and business people as well. Boston has plenty of semi luxury and luxury hotels, but sometimes their rates can be quite exorbitant. This is why there are several affordable Boston hotels right downtown the city. They offer you plenty of comfort at good Wholesale Air Swimmers prices right in the heart of the city. At prices for all pockets, the affordable Boston hotels provide the visitors a clean and very comfortable atmosphere. The reservations for these hotels can be made with a credit card and a notice of no less than 48 hours. Even if the interiors of the affordable hotels are not that impressive, they still have a unique charm of their rc flying fish own. See Boston with a City TourMany cities of the world have one or more guided bus tours and Boston cannot make an exception here. In Boston, you can do this with the Beantown Trolley Tours. There are many benefits for a tourist by giving a try to this tour. To begin with, there is only one price you need to pay and thus you will be able to use the trolley all day long. The Beantown Trolley tours are designed to show the Boston visitors all the important attractions of the city. This way, you will be able to visit Charleston and other attractions by getting off the trolley at the right stop. After visiting an attraction, you can wait for the next tour trolley and complete your journey to another interesting place of the city. The Duck Tour is another way to visit the most important parts of the city and it goes both on land and on water. You can have an unforgettable trip to Boston this way.