
Hard Work Can Destroy Your MLM Business SO WORK SMART

There is a belief that goes back for ages that the person who works hardest in their MLM business is the one who has the most success. This is a myth and needs to be packaged up and sent to the big deceiver in the ground One of favourite examples of this is "practice makes perfect". This is an absurd saying, because practicing the wrong thing a million times will not trigger perfection to take place. Now Mike Litman, a motivational speaker that I absolutely admire always says "You Don't Have To Get It Right, You Just Have To Get It Going!" At first glance it would seem doing it wrong is ok; however this is not the case Mike is simply saying, don't wait until everything is perfect in your venture, get started "DOING IT" and improve as you go. Hard work is not the answer to being effective in your MLM business, "WORKING SMART" is! If working hard alone was the solution to success then all those people that stood over railway track and hammered spikes all day when our railway was first built would all have had million dollar bank accounts. Our school system and led light bulbs our culture as a whole have been won over that if you find a good job and work hard for your employer you will have womb to tomb employment. I call people every day that had a job and have lost it, even though they were a hard worker. With the economy entering into one of the worst economic collapses since the 30s and all those hard workers are being educated in reality, it's called "unemployment".Not to long ago I spoke to a pal about joining me in my enterprise and he said that he already had a great business and did not need what I had to offer. My friend had a farming operation and by all appearances, seemed to be doing very well for himself. Using his own carpentry skills, he built his own farm house along with a host of other farm buildings, with one being a 100,000 dollar pig barn. He had a new tractor and other assorted equipment that he operated to care for his crops and livestock. Each morning, my friend would be up at 5am and tending his stock by 6 am (7days a week). Then he would be out tending his fields through the day and evenings during the seeding and harvesting seasons. Nobody could deny the fact that my friend worked very, very hard and made a decent income.I asked my buddy what he would do if he became injured and couldn't handle carrying the feed, throwing the bales of hay or driving the tractor. He told me he did not know what he would do. He said that if it was serious and the healing time stopped him from tending his farm for very long he said it could result in him losing his farm. He had been operating under the assumption that hard work would be enough; but he like all those that have jobs don't often realize until something bad happens, if you cannot continue to work hard you can lose it all.John Paul Getty statedthat he would rather have 1 % of the invested efforts of 100 people than 100% of the efforts of 1 person. Network marketing offers people this ability and it is why Robert Kyosaki and Donald Trump devoted an entire chapter in their bestselling book "WHY WE WANT TO MAKE YOU RICH" to this topic. Unfortunately there are a tons of people that also use this same faulty tactic of working hard to build their MLM organization and it does not work. To be successful in your MLM business you need to work smart and not hard and when you know, understand and apply the correct strategies and concepts and systems your bank account will show why working smarter just makes total sense. You may be an amazing closer and sign people into your MLM business every day led light bulbs or week but if what you do is not duplicateable you have a job without leverage. When you stop working hard you would likely lose it all.

